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We are committed and passionate South Africans.
• Our objectives are democracy, non-racialism, non-sexism & freedom.
• We are motivated by ethical leadership, morality, governance, justice and equality.
• We are inclusive of any person who values our principles, as an alternative to our current political landscape.
• We do not represent or promote any political party. 
• We want to create a future where our country and its people are prioritised.
• We want to assist in ensuring our Constitution is respected and upheld.
• We want to champion permanent, positive social, economic and political change.
• We want everybody to understand why protecting our Constitution is important. 

What can you do?

Our Plan

• To unite and connect with all those who want to be part of positive change. 
• To convince at least one million people to sign a memorandum embracing what stand for. 
• To harness the power of all like-minded South Africans in our quest to help build a truly united country which celebrates and values all its diverse people equally.
• To strongly encourage and promote active individual involvement in bringing about change.
• To ensure that our organisation has a long term, fundamental impact through the guidance and dedication of our working committee.
• To use word of mouth and social media to promote this forum. 
• To allow membership of the forum to those who demonstrate agreement with our founding principles. paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Join us, the South Africa First Forum, through our online and other moderated channels.
• Invite your friends, family, colleagues, employees, employers and anybody else who wants to become part of a group of South Africans dedicated to unlocking the vast potential of our country to the benefit of all.
• Make efforts to attend the planned Forum meetings to discuss achieving our objectives and our plan of action as an inclusive non political Forum.


2013 by Annie Robb, 0720441024

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