RIP Christopher Makhoba
Christopher Makhoba lived with epilepsy and had sustained brain damage due to a seizure. He was the 9th patient to die after being transferred from Life Esidimeni to Precious Angles. Christopher had live for 6 years at Esidimeni, Waverly. Precious Angles is one of the many NGO's that residents were sent to. It appears to consist of 2 residential homes and was only registered in June after the transfers had begun. His sister received a message on the 15 July 2016 that her brother had passed on. He had actually died already on the 3rd of July and when asked why the family was not contacted immediately, they were told that they did not have a contact number. His sister disputes this and says that there were 7 different numbers available to contact the family.
Christopher's sister met "Ethel", the manager of Precious Angles at the Funeral House and she was appalled at the dirt and filth of Put U 2 Rest. She wants to know the cause of her brother's death. She examined the body and was shocked at how think he was.
The Police are investigating along with another 6 deaths at Precious Angles
Checkpoint on ENCA investigated and by clicking the picture below, the footage can be watched: